Custom Training Sessions
If you are new to Agility Blue, or just want to dive deeper into the platform, schedule a training session with one of our training consultants to help you take full advantage of everything AB has to offer.
Training Topics
Choose from one of the four training session topics listed below to schedule a time to meet with one our experts.
Session 1: Navigation
Learn about the design and layout of your Agility Blue workspace. Navigate and customize dashboards, access screens, objects, and menus.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Session 2: Workflows
Learn how to manage your workflows in Agility Blue. Create, assign and update Projects and Tasks. Collaborate on tasks through the Communications Suite.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Session 3: Forms, Templates and Fields
Learn how to create and edit custom Task Forms to add to your workflow. Build Project Templates, and customize other objects with custom fields.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Session 4: Admin Functions
Learn how to edit workspace settings, permission groups, and email notification rules. Create and edit users as an Organization Admin.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Custom Consulting Session
Meet with an AB expert to discuss your organization’s specific workflow and feature-related questions.
Duration: 45 minutes.